Career Path

We cultivate all employees
as competitive talents.

  • 글로벌 역량
    Global competence

    Cultivate talents with global competence

  • 실무형 인재
    Work-level talents

    Cultivate talents with superior work skills through occupational training

  • 전문성

    Cultivate talents as specialists in each area

Educational system by position


책임: 책임 필수 과정 -> 6개월/1년차 워크샵 -> 신입사원 입문과정 & OJT -> 회계 기초 -> 재무회계, 선임책임: 선임책임 필수과정 -> 선임책임 심화과정, 매니저: 매니저 필수과정 -> 매니저 심화과정 -> 관리회계, 팀장: 신임 부장 과정 -> 부장 리더십 과정 , 임원: 신임 임원 과정 -> 임원 리더십 과정

Introduction to courses

Support for new employee onboarding

Effective introductory courses are provided for new employees, such as new employee orientations and first-year employee workshops

Foreign language training support

Phone/Video English, English test support, Intensive training for expatriates