
Believing that social responsibility is the cornerstone of corporate management, all of our employees are committed to ensuring workplace safety and health, protecting human rights, and building a sustainable supply chain.

Human Rights Policy

The OCI Group is committed to respecting the human rights of employees and stakeholders. Based on a culture of trust and respect, the company prohibits unfair work directives, provides fair compensation and welfare benefits to improve quality of life, and respects individual privacy. It also values the human rights of customers, partners, and community members, opposing discrimination, banning child labor and forced labor, and maintaining communication channels to resolve related issues. Through its "Human Rights Policy," the OCI Group adheres to international standards and declares its commitment to respecting human rights.

OCI Holdings Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Management Regulation

OCI Holdings has established Human Rights Management Regulations to build a management framework for protecting human rights. These regulations define the purpose and scope of human rights management, outlining principles and guidelines for actions such as prohibiting discrimination, forced labor, and child labor, as well as protecting stakeholders. Additionally, they detail the roles of responsible departments in implementing human rights management, specify procedures for conducting human rights impact assessments, and clearly disclose processes for reporting and remedying human rights violations.

OCI Holdings Human Rights Management Regulation

Occupational Safety and Health Management System

We build a safety and health management system and strengthen company-wide safety and health management capabilities through education at each site. We establish a systematic plan for safety culture improvement and fully understand the effectiveness of the related programs for growth.

Occupational Safety and Health Awareness Training Program

We conduct occupational safety and health training for our employees and suppliers. We use external professional institutions to offer specialized courses in process safety management and health management in addition to in-house courses in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act. We conduct serious accident prevention and risk perception training, risk prediction training, and industrial accident response training for managers and supervisors.

Educational activitiesEducation content
Safety and health education in groups
Safety and health education by department
Safety and health education for suppliers
Special safety and health education
Process safety education
Education tailored to sites and departments
Risk assessment and practice
Learning incident cases of other sites and competitors
Repeat learning on guides and procedures
How to respond to emergency
Material safety data sheet
Collective safety and health education for work environment and health management, etc.
Safety and health education by department
Safety and health education for suppliers

Operating Safety Technology Committee

The Safety Technology Committee, which comprises specialists in environmental safety, production and government affairs, conducts technical reviews to determine whether to operate plants and the content of work for workplace safety when problems are detected during process operation.

Ensuring safety during overseas business trips

To prevent and respond to accidents during overseas business trips, OCI distributes a safety card for overseas travelers that contains phrases for emergency assistance in languages of regions for business trips, phone numbers for ambulances, and emergency communication networks of overseas employees.

SH&E Leaders Workshop

To bolster communication related to the environment, safety and health, OCI holds SH&E Leaders workshops regularly for the managers and staff in charge of SH&E management. The workshop is designed to improve SH&E tasks by sharing related issues and cases.